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Tant si estàs buscant opinions sobre gibobs, com si tens dubtes sobre el procés, aquí trobaràs les respostes. En gibobs som experts negociant amb els bancs per a aconseguir-te les millors condicions del mercat per a la teva hipoteca i sense cap cost.

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Testimonis de clients reals

El 82,50% dels nostres clients enquestats ens recomanaria.**

**Dades basades en enquesta NPS

Sachin Frayne
Sachin Frayne
Super easy to use, great team.
Francisco Javier López García
Francisco Javier López García
After a large benchmark, Gibobs really offered us the lowest fee. The experience was super smooth an digital. Before buying you know how much you can afford and the banks offers. They give you several options with several entities. The service level is prime and outstanding. Super nice guy Jose Antonio. You can tell he is an expert in the industry. They help you in each stage of the process. Super recommended!
Adrian Gregory
Adrian Gregory
We had an amazing experience with Gibobs and I couldn’t recommend it more in Spain. It’s an experience you see in other countries and it’s free. I dealt directly with banks and via other mortgage provider and nothing was as smooth as this. We got competitive offers and secured a mortgage that was better than we found with banks.
Erin Kelly
Erin Kelly
I had a fantastic experience working with Yanina. She was able to get me a mortgage rate that is well below market level. She is super organized and walked us through the entire process, she followed up on all the timings and deadlines, and was supporting us with different things all the way through to the signing of the mortgage and deed. On top of that she was a pleasure to work with, super responsive to any and all questions, and always with a kind demeanor. Wonderful service, I could not recommend her & Gibobs more.
Sara Simoncini
Sara Simoncini
We've signed today with an extremely competitive interest rate and it was all thanks to Gibobs. They were there at every step of the process, even replying after working hours and really made the difference. Thank you for everything Gibobs, I recommend them 100%
Andy Hone
Andy Hone
We used Gibobs and a few other mortgage brokers to look for a mortgage, and Gibobs got us by far the best deal. With interest rates quickly rising everywhere, Gibobs managed to get us a great mortgage with commitment from the bank that they would maintain the rate until we could sign for our new apartment. I had a great experience with Manuel - fluid and clear communication and great guidance given at all times through the process. It was all really easy and I would not hesitate to recommend them to anyone.
archaik À
archaik À
Great assistance, we got a really good rate and conditions from the bank thanks to gibobs. Also , they charge the bank for their services so it is free for you as a customer. Highly recommend.
Francisco Lucas
Francisco Lucas
Outstanding services!
Belen Lopez
Belen Lopez
Antonio was amazing! He supported us throughout the whole process helping us clarify doubts and assisting us with everything needed. Great experience. 100% satisfied.

Cómo Conseguí la MEJOR Hipoteca del Mercado

No hubiese conseguido la HIPOTECA sin gibobs

Con gibobs allbanks creo que me ha tocado la lotería

He conseguido MI HIPOTECA gracias a gibobs

* Dades basades en les simulacions realitzades en des de maig a juliol de 2021. Els resultats de les simulacions han estat obtingudes a partir de les dades que faciliten els nostres usuaris, de manera que no són una oferta de contractació ni són vinculants. Les decisions que es puguin prendre centrades en ells, no són responsabilitat de Gibobs SL. La contractació de la hipoteca, així com les seves condicions finals, han d’estar aprovades sempre pel banc.

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